We do not inherit the
earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from
our children.
- Native American Wisdom

About Saguaro National Park

Saguaro National Park was first established in 1933 for the purpose of protecting the giant saguaro cactus (Carnegia gigantean) and the associated Sonoran Desert and Sky Island ecological communities.  Following several park expansions in subsequent decades, the National Park Service today works to preserve desert, mountain and riparian habitats in the Tucson and Rincon Mountains, as well as the largest roadless Sky Island in North America -- all of which encompasses a wide range of elevations that support extraordinary biodiversity.  Fully 78% of the Park's 91,327 acres are federally-designated wilderness -- and the Park must preserve and protect its wilderness qualities, while promoting understanding (and stewardship) of its natural and cultural resources through appropriate scientific research.

Saguaro National Park protects a superb example of the Sonoran Desert ecosystem, featuring exceptional stands of saguaro cacti, fragile wildlife habitat, critical riparian areas, and associated "Sky Island" mountain areas.  The Park also preserves significant cultural resources, including national-register-listed or -eligible archeological resources, places important to Native American cultural traditions, and historic structures.  The Park provides exceptional opportunities for visitors to experience solitude and discover nature on their own, to educate people through close interaction with the environment, and to see the outstanding and diverse scenic features of this classic desert landscape. 

Learn more by checking out the Park's website at http://www.nps.gov/sagu/