We do not inherit the
earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from
our children.
- Native American Wisdom

Adopt a Javelina

Javelina (Pecari tajacu or Tayassu tajacu) are common in much of central and southern Arizona (including the Tucson urban area) and are known to roam as far north as Flagstaff.

Though many people think that javelina are a type of wild pig, they are actually members of the peccary family -- a group of hoofed mammals originating from South America.  Javelina form herds of two to more than twenty animals, and rely on each other to defend territory, protect against predators, regulate temperature and interact socially.  They use washes and areas with dense vegetation as travel corridors, and are most active at night (but may be active during the day when temperatures are colder).

An adult javelina will weigh approximately 40 to 60 pounds.  The animal has very poor eyesight, but a keen sense of smell. They primarily eat plants -- including cacti, succulents, bulbs, tubers, beans and seeds -- but may also be attracted by unsecured garbage.

Javelina usually cause only minor problems for humans, by surprising people (or eating plants). Javelina occasionally bite humans -- but almost always when people attempted to provide the animal with food. Dogs, coyotes, and mountain lions are among the natural predators of javelina.

With our Adopt a Javelina revenue, FOSNP is able to assist Saguaro National Park in conducting critically-important wildlife research and support general wildlife conservation.

You can Adopt a Javelina for a minimum $35 per adoption.

Just click here, and submit to FOSNP.  Your transaction/donation will be secured through PayPal.