We do not inherit the
earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from
our children.
- Native American Wisdom

Building Environmental Stewardship

Our national parks preserve and protect what Theodore Roosevelt described as "the most glorious heritage a people have ever received" -- the lands and resources that have helped to define our vision and values as a nation.

The contemporary author Terry Tempest Williams has observed that "our national parks [have become] a reservoir for our spirits . . . we remember who we are.  Not only do we save these lands, they save us." 

National parks are at the heart of who we are as Americans.  They protect our most treasured natural and cultural resources, tell the stories of our shared national heritage, fuel local economies, and provide educational and recreational opportunities for some 300 million visitors each year.

Our national parks belong to all of us -- and they are a living testament to the passion, commitment and support of private citizens who help sustain them through philanthropy, advocacy and volunteerism.

Since the founding of Friends of Saguaro in 1996, the generosity of our donors has enabled us to provide over   $6 million in project funding support to Saguaro National Park . . . and each year, some 1,000 volunteers provide the park with nearly 40,000 hours of service.  Through this stewardship support, we are helping to ensure the enduring legacy of this beautiful park for our children, and for theirs.