We do not inherit the
earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from
our children.
- Native American Wisdom

Adopt a Bobcat

Bobcats (Lynx rufus or Felis rufus) are common throughout Arizona at all elevations -- especially in chaparral areas, and in the outskirts of urban areas where food is readily available.  Bobcats can be seen throughout the Tucson Basin -- often around sunrise or sunset -- and it is not unusual to find a bobcat in an urban back yard.  Individual bobcats will defend a territory of one to twelve square miles.

As more homes are built in the Tucson Mountains, or the Catalina foothills, bobcats are increasingly exposed to contact with humans -- and face threats by trapping, electrocution on power poles, and collisions with automobiles.

With our Adopt A Bobcat revenue, FOSNP is able to assist Saguaro National Park in conducting critically-important wildlife research. NPS rangers, in cooperation with researchers from the University of Arizona, are able to assess the status and distribution of bobcats within the confines of Saguaro National Park, and to evaluate habitat connectivity between the Park and adjacent lands.

You can Adopt a Bobcat for a minimum $35 per adoption.

Just click here, and submit to FOSNP.  Your transaction/donation will be secured through PayPal.